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    Aion Game Commands


    masculin Balanta Capra
    Mesaje : 247
    Puncte : 1136
    Reputatie : 0
    Data de inscriere : 11/04/2010
    Varsta : 33
    Localizare : Lupeni
    Joburi/Distractii : Cluburi,Scoala vb vine fac la grup,Sex
    Stare de spirit : Fresh...Duc Life

    Aion Game Commands Empty Aion Game Commands

    Mesaj  ReLaX Vin Mar 25, 2011 10:57 pm

    Change Chat Mode

    /general (/s,/n): changes to normal chat mode
    /whisper [Name] (/w [Name]): changes to whisper chat mode for [Name]
    /group: changes to group chat mode
    /force (/a): changes to alliance chat mode
    /alert: changes to alert mode
    /legion: changes to legion chat mode
    /shout: changes to shout chat mode
    /1: changes to region channel chat mode
    /2: changes to trade channel chat mode
    /3: changes to looking for group channel chat mode

    Group Commands

    /invite [Name]: invites player [Name] to join your group
    /leave: leaves the group/alliance you are currently in
    /kick [Name]: this forces [Name] to leave your group/alliance

    * : displays the sign for
    * above the target’s head

    Alliance Commands

    /inviteforce [Name]: invites player [Name] to join your alliance
    /leave: leaves the group/alliance you are currently in
    /kick [Name]: this forces [Name] to leave your group/alliance

    * : displays the sign for
    * above the target’s head

    Legion Commands

    /invitetolegion [Name]: invites player [Name] to join your legion
    /leavelegion: leave the legion you are currently in
    /kickfromlegion [Name]: this forces [Name] to leave your legion
    /delegatebrigadegeneralauthority [Name]: this delegates [Name] as the brigande general
    /gnotice: display the current legion message
    /centurion [Name]: this promotes [Name] as a centurion
    /legionnaire [Name]: this demotes [Name] to a legionnaire

    Loot Distribution


    * (/dice
    * ): this will roll a dice between 1 and
    * . Must be in a group or alliance


    * : this distributes
    * kinah to every player in your group


    * : this distributes
    * kinah to every player in your group equally

    /free: players in your group can loot freely
    /roundrobinloot (/inorder): players in your group will loot in a round robin order
    /groupleaderloot (/captain): the group leader loots all loot.

    Buddy List

    /who [Name]: searches for [Name]
    /buddy [Name]: sends a request to [Name] to add them to your buddy list
    /deletefriend [Name]: removes [Name] from your buddy list
    /block [Name]: blocks [Name] from sending you whispers
    /unblock [Name]: removes [Name] from your block list


    /petition: opens the petition window
    /cancelpetition: cancels your submitted petition


    /trade: attempts to trade with your target
    /location (/loc): displays the coordinate information of your current location
    /pathfinding [Name]: displays a purple ‘X’ on your map of the location of the NPC [Name]
    /duel: requests a duel with your target
    /time: displays the current game time and real time
    /flight: enters flight mode
    /? (/h): opens the help window
    /checkentry: displays a list of the time limit dunegions you are able to enter or the remaining re-entry time
    /checkgroupentry: displays a list of the time limit dungeons your group is able to enter or the remaining re-enter time
    /camp: logs out to the character select screen
    /exit: quits the game
    /played: displays how long you have been logged in for

      Data/ora curentă este: Joi Noi 21, 2024 10:38 am